Nexus Hub Year in Review
As we share our highlights for 2019, we also celebrate and acknowledge the efforts of those behind the scenes; those who have made this possible. We say thank you to our partners, developers, volunteers, members [...]
NeXus Hub at Tech Beach 2019, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
As part of its ongoing tech exposure and networking initiative, NeXus Hub Inc. in collaboration with IDB Lab organized Guyanese-based participation at the Tech Beach Retreat 2019 in Montego Bay, Jamaica from Dec 5-7. Tech Beach 2019 is the [...]
The importance of having and being a mentor – Eldon Marks at GIT Meetup
A 2018 study by Gallego and Gutiérrez on the impact of gender diversity on innovation and productivity highlighted that firms with a larger share of women in the knowledge creation and innovation process increase their [...]
Article Archive

“Girls in Tech” – Hosts first Mentor/Mentee Meet up”
Girls in Tech (GIT), a global non-profit that works to put an end to gender inequality in high-tech industries and startups, hosted its first Mentor/Mentee mingle on October 10th 2019 at the University of Guyana, [...]
Nexus Hub | Innovation, tech-industry growth in Guyana
I LOVE the energy generated by people fulfilling purpose and I am even more intrigued when they are young Guyanese. Social entrepreneur, software developer and educator Eldon Marks is a young man I admire greatly. [...]
‘IRIS’ to focus on public information dissemination
THE Intelligent Reporting Information System (IRIS), a local software application, has been crafted to help make public information dissemination much easier in Guyana. IRIS conceptualised in March at the Nexus Hub Hack-Solve, where 30 technologists [...]