Some background on this initiative…

In August of 2017, a community of local developers known as the V75 Network spearheaded “The devX Event”, Guyana’s first online and offline digital industry exhibition with sponsorship from several public and private sector organizations. We managed to hold public showcases, informative talks and even built an online platform (accessible at devxevent.com) which indexed over 200 tech exhibits from over 70 developers in Guyana.
Here’s what devX 2017 data showed us about Guyana’s tech industry…

Here’s the problem, backed by research..
With low rates of collaboration, innovation and global market penetration, Guyana’s tech industry is notcurrently in a state to reliably contribute to job creation or economic growth in the country.
Collaboration is important for innovation to take place (J.Dance); innovation brings about technological change (K.Winston); technological change brings about economic growth (R. Solow) and along with innovation, they create global market opportunities (J.Muroyama).
Here’s our Solution – NeXus Hub Inc.
The uncovered relationships among collaboration, innovation, technological change, economic growth and global market penetration, led us to take a strategic, grassroots approach in making a meaningful difference in Guyana’s nascent tech industry.
NeXus Hub Inc. has three major objectives:
- a well-equipped, physical space for developers to meet, work, socialize and innovate, together.
- a custom social network platform and skills showcase for developers to connect, share content, promote their work and collaborate.
- group-driven programmes as well as the annual NeXus Connect Event with design challenges, mixers and deep dives which solve social problems with tech while demonstrating the power of collaboration.
- physical and online collaborative environments for developers.
- “tech toys” for exposure and product development (such as the Raspberry Pi, Google Home, Amazon Alexa, BBC Microbit and the eMotiv Headset).
- accelerator programmes for innovators to receive the funding and mentorship necessary to take products to market.
- running funded apprenticeship programmes to mentor new generations of developers by resident software teams.
- facilitating connections among businesses, investors and developers through our online platform and annual NeXus Connect Event.
- providing a transparent platform through which agencies and humanitarians may combine their efforts to help grow and shape Guyana’s technology industry.
Our Tech Movements
The Nexus Hub Tech Movements comprise various programmes, initiatives and events which align with one or more of our objectives and are inspired by current needs within the local tech industry.

Nexus Developer Stories
NeXus Developer Stories is a series of mini-documentaries about local software developers, promoting their specialization, achievements and aspirations to the world. This initiative focuses on fostering collaboration.

Funded Apprenticeship Programmes
The NeXus Hub Developer Apprenticeship programme platform aims to financially support talented minds as they work along with a resident tech company to become industry-ready in as little as 3 months.

The Annual NeXus Hack-Solve Event
Unlike a traditional hackathon where developer teams compete, the NeXus Hack-Solve Event brings developers from various teams together to identify, discuss, design, build and solve social problems with technology.

CoActing.Org is a prototyped solution which was produced during the inaugural Nexus Hack-Solve event held in August, 2018.

The NeXus Hack-Solvers
The 2018 Nexus Hack-Solve Event attracted over twenty developers from more than thirteen corporate affiliations to volunteer their time and expertise to make a difference.