Artificial Intelligence Software Developer aims to be a pioneer in Data Science
The false notion that young women can’t or simply don’t want to be involved in basic or advanced levels of the local Information Communications Technology sector is rapidly being put to rest. In the spirit [...]
Hack Solve seeks to boost civic engagement
AFTER an intensive two days of idea generation and software creation, the 17 technologists that participated in the inaugural ‘Hack Solve’ event have managed to create a software prototype that will seek to boost civic [...]
Local IT company in initiative to push collaboration, innovation for growth of tech industry
Social-impact led Software Company Version 75 (V75) Solutions recently launched the NeXus Hub Initiative, a project which aims to foster an environment of collaboration and innovation among local techpreneurs to bring the industry to a [...]
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Version75 Solutions wins inaugural hackathon
Having endured 48-hours of intense coding, Version75 Solutions on Sunday emerged as the winners of the first ‘Hackathon,’ which was organised by the Ministry of Public Telecommunications at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre last weekend. [...]